‘Media Violence’- Where the latest cars go flying fifty meters into the air, with the driver falling out the window and into the next street , consequently someone is ‘accidently’ shot. In today’s culture and for the past fifty years many adolescents and other individuals have been and are being submissively subjected to this indoctrinating movement. With the simple switch of a television button it can all turn into a ‘picture perfect’ image of War, conflict, racial discrimination, murder, and many other violent scenes. All of these are portrayed for the sake of entertainment. For some, they are based on reality, an eye opener. But for others, they are a good example of what our society have become, and what we can do about it to resolve such issues and cases. From cowboys and Indians to twilight vampires abruptly pushing, shoving and literally breaking each other in half. As the death toll and aggressive situation count rises, a debate arises -does violence on TV and films really create a more violent society?
”There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children.” – Nelson Mandela. Children are the world’s future, the next generation or ‘long league of hope’ as many prefer to call it though with the ongoing subliminal message of violence through media, where is there a chance for any expectation? Virtually since the dawn of television, parents, teachers, legislators, and mental health care professionals have been concerned about the content of television programs and its impact, particularly on younger individuals, as the use of violence in media is becoming more and more visible in today’s society. We see it in our television programming, the movies we watch, the video games we play, and we even hear it in our music lyrics. Children’s programming isn’t even void of this trend. Media subconsciously affects the way people think ,while what