S (2014) “practitioners of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have come to realize that children with ASD do not lack the desire to interact with others, they just do not have the appropriate social skills necessary to interact with other children.” (pg.2) Researchers have tried multiple interventions to help get ASD patients the correct social skills they need in order to have interpersonal relationships. Grigore, A., and RUSU, A. S (2014) also found that “recent studies show that children with autism spectrum disorder can comprehend or understand non-human, animal communication, better than they can understand humans.”
S (2014) “practitioners of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have come to realize that children with ASD do not lack the desire to interact with others, they just do not have the appropriate social skills necessary to interact with other children.” (pg.2) Researchers have tried multiple interventions to help get ASD patients the correct social skills they need in order to have interpersonal relationships. Grigore, A., and RUSU, A. S (2014) also found that “recent studies show that children with autism spectrum disorder can comprehend or understand non-human, animal communication, better than they can understand humans.”