
Argumentative Essay On Distracted Driving

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At some point in life everyone receives a phone and also a car; where we earn our freedom to leave our home and explore the world, but with these freedoms we should remember more often that they come with responsibilities. According to the General Cell Phone Statistics; " ...there are over 1.6 million crashes per year and 1 in 4 car accidents in the United states are caused by texting and driving." My essay is on a common issue that affects every citizen of this nation; distracted driving, but is there enough action from our state government to help prevent the tragic events that happen due to this horrific habit. Our state has many laws and preventions against young adults and everyone else; which helps them to stop driving and texting or …show more content…

The government has made it clear to the world of the consequences due to distracted driving. Calamity is the result of millions of people dying or being seriously injured due to distracted driving. What our state specifically has taken actions to minimize the annual amount of crashes from citizens driving cars and using their phones. According to the National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NOPUS),"For many states, there are laws like those in Florida that have only forced citizens to be more covert in their phone use while driving, which further increases their distraction and the risk of causing a crash." Therefore, we can clearly know based on NOPUS that Florida is one of the state that may have laws against driving with distraction but doesn't take much action toward these actions. The non-engagement of enforcing this issue is not increasing or reducing the amount of accidents due to this …show more content…

My question is why don't we continue keeping away from distractions while driving after graduating from our permits. However, app developers have created apps that can be used as a tool for keeping teens off their phones while driving on the road. For some reason, many warnings are given on a daily basis for signs for all drivers, but they continue to have distractions while driving. Many people with a positive mindset about their driving skills will continue to respond by "that won't ever happen to me". Although, it's good to have a positive outlook on life; we also need to be aware of the dangers involved with driving distracted or not. According to Florida’s Department of Transportation (FDOT), "there are no grant funds set aside at this time for combating distracted driving. Regardless, they're making an effort to reduce these accidents across the state." I'll list two strategies that they recommend to reduce these issues by increasing driver's awareness and more non-distraction programs. However, Florida is one of the states that has laws against distracted driving, but was safe to say the least strict about these

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