English 11R
Recreational Marijuana
Marijuana has been illegal since 1937. The Marijuana Tax Act, enforced because people believe men of color would solicit sex from white women while under the influence of marijuana. According to multiple tests and the statistics more people have died from cigarettes and alcohol. Marijuana should be legal due to the shear fact that it is safer than alcohol and cigarettes. Marijuana to this day, after 79 years, in some places is still illegal and believed to be more dangerous than cigarettes. This myth is 100% false. About 6 million people die every year from smoking cigarettes including second hand smoke. Statistics show that by 2030 the annual death rate will be 8 million. compare this to virtually nobody dying from a direct cause of Marijuana smoking the numbers are gradually in favor of Marijuana being safer. In fact it takes a consumption of 15 pounds of Marijuana in 15 minutes to “overdose”, which still may not even be fatal. In the film Super High Me, …show more content…
His SAT score went up as well as Sperm count and weight change, not negative at all actually. His lung capacity did decrease by 3% which is not too big of a deal as many people make it seem. Most people say weed just makes you lazy and stupid, using these tests that's obviously not true.
Also legalizing marijuana would limit the overpopulation of prisons and make room for the real criminals. There are many people who are imprisoned just for a small amount of marijuana possession. Drug traffickers should still be held in prison but not the ones who were just using. And Seattle for instance legalized weed and know they have free lunches in public schools for 5 years. This helps with the children who can't afford school lunch and may not have food at home to bring to school. Imagine what legalizing recreational marijuana can do for our economy in 15 years from