Indiana University of Pennsylvania states “Hopelessness, despair, and feeling alienated from others are leading warning signs for people feeling suicidal. We also know that being able to talk with someone about what is troubling and hurtful can lead to different and life affirming perspectives.” College is a brand new chapter in …show more content…
Hotlines provide hope for those who need it and don’t want to feel like they have no one there for them. Every call the operators get is anonymous so it is easier for the person going through the suicidal thoughts let everything out without feeling like they are being judged. By adding the Hotline numbers onto college ID’s can truly help many students who do not want to tell someone they know how they truly feel or what is going through their head. Suicidal thoughts, making plans for suicide, and suicide attempt is higher among adults aged 18 to 25 than among adults over the age of 26. The new environment and the difficulty adjusting to new demands of college life are the leading risk factors in college students. There are a couple signs of depression in an adolescent like becoming socially withdrawn, falling in their performance at school and engaging in risk taking