According to the University of Texas, Undocumented immigrants are typically people who have entered the U.S. without inspection or legal permission or through the use of false papers1. Most undocumented immigrants enter the United States by illegally crossing borders the United States has with other countries. Also a number of undocumented immigrant are visa over stays who have formerly entered into the united states legally through tourist or visiting visa but upon expiration of their visas, continued to reside with illegal status. In 2006, 45 percent of undocumented immigrants were visa over stayers2.In the year 2000, the population of undocumented immigrants stood at 8.4 million and peaked at 2007 to 12 million and declined during the period of the great recession. By 2012, the undocumented immigrant population stood at 11.7 million and at the end of 2012, reduced to 11.2 million. The number remained stable in 2013 with 11.3 million undocumented immigrants in the us3. Most undocumented …show more content…
According to the Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy, undocumented immigrants, like other people living in America pay state and local taxes7. In addition to paying sales and excise taxes on the things they buy, undocumented immigrants also pay estate taxes on their homes either through home ownership or through rent8. Many undocumented immigrants also pay state income taxes. About 50 percent currently file income tax returns using their individual tax identification numbers and those who don’t file still have taxes taken from their paychecks. Collectively, undocumented immigrants were reported to have payed an estimated 11.84 billion dollars in