Recently in the states that have adopted the stand your ground law,homicide rates increased.GA adopted the stand your ground law and in result its homicide rate went up 83%.Even though 78% of Georgias voters opposed the stand your ground it will be foreced to be enacted.”Galloway, Jim. "Georgia Mayors Say Gun Bill Would ‘Dangerously Expand’ Stand-Your-Ground Law ." Atlanta Constitution Journal-Constitution. (2014): n. page. Print.“The stand your ground law has done nothing positive for Georgia except be used in more cases.People are starting to use it as a excuse for murder.If its revised people could be convicted instead of freed on possible lies.
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the stand your ground hurting georgia the gun bill plans on strengthening it.New York mayor Michael Bloomberg said”Most glaringly the bill would dangerously expand the scope of the states existing Stand Your Ground”.”Galloway, Jim. "Georgia Mayors Say Gun Bill Would‘Dangerously Expand’ Stand-Your-Ground Law ." Atlanta Constitution Journal-Constitution. (2014): n. page. Print.
The gun bill will cause more guns on the streets of Georgia.People will fingd a way to illegally import advanced guns into Georgian neighborhoods.Plus It also causes the stand your ground to be used more;therefore itnwill be asscociated with more cases increasing its popularity.All in all the stand your ground law is a bad law and only a excuse for murder;therefore it should be revised.
In addition to disagreement with the stand your ground law Georgia mayors also disagree.Mayor Kasim Reed sent a letter with names of all Georgian mayors demanding the law be revised.Georgia mayors also say the gun bill will strengthen the stand your ground law”Stone, Jesse, William T.
Ligon, Jr., Curt Thompson, et al. "Mayors Against Illegal Guns Statement." (2014): n. page. Print.The gun bill will already cause more violence because its allowing more guns in georgia.People will find a way to bring more advanced guns into georgia neighborhoods.It also causes the stand your ground law to be used more;Therefore it will be associated with more homicides and cases increasing in popularity.All in all the stand your groubd law and only a excuse for murder;therefore it should be