According to Dennis, (2013), the university will guide students in pursuit of academic excellence that will prepare them for leadership roles in society. Once adjusted to college life, you will gain confidence and able to finish the required plan according to your degree. Therefore spending more time with your family and gain the benefits to having a college degree. Working towards a college degree after the military formulates for a better transition to being a civilian. Having completed your degree and fulfilled a military commitment, you will be equal if not ahead of your peers. Therefore, being competitive in your career.…
The Vietnam War was the only war that The United States lost. It was a war that caused a lot of arguments within the country. Many people did not agree with this war because it did not have a set purpose. When the soldiers of this war got home, they were not cheered and thanked, they were trashed. Dodging the draft is harder than staying in is therefore I would not dodge the draft.…
There are five different options to choose from when deciding to serve the United States of America and the decision can be quite challenging when signing the dotted line. Most people will base their decision off family or friend affiliation with a particular branch, thorough research, or simply because a branch would get them into basic training sooner. Due to a personal experience deploying with the Army as an Air Force member and seeing first-hand how each branch operates was an eye opening experience. There are a variety of options and all five branches are ultimately serving as one; the United States Air Force and the United States Army are two very different branches, but also have key similarities.…
I joined Army JROTC because I wanted to be a part of a team thatWhi I Enrolled In JROTC people respect and honor. I also joined JROTC because I think it will help me out later on in my life. My god father served in the military for 4 years. My step father served in the military for 5 years. With them being in the military has gave me some influence to join the military.…
Many ask why a military academy, why not a college or university not related to the military.…
The training and skills I will receive from the military will help me when I am in the police academy attempting to join the Providence Police Force. After I become a police officer and spend a few years working as a police officer, I hope to make my way up the ranks and maybe become a state trooper, from there maybe on to the FBI. I am very determined to achieve my goal, which will make me a successful man at the end of the…
1)A college education will help gear me towards becoming an Officer in the United States Air Force or Navy. This opportunity would help me increase my maturity and give me four years to grow mentally, becoming even stronger than I already am.…
D. Career experience is easy to gain with the numerous careers the Armed Forces offers.…
Why Athletic Training? Since the day I started kindergarten, I have been involved in athletics in some way. I enjoy watching, playing, and being involved with athletics. I have played several sports throughout my lifetime and decided that I wanted to continue to be around athletics after school also.…
The reason I joined Army JROTC is because I wanted to be apart of a team that others respected. It is an honor to be able to wear the JROTC uniform, and show everyone the pride behind it. I feel that by being in JROTC it will benefit me later in life. I have always wanted to be a part of a team that is looked up to and I can learn and perform leadership skills. I know that by joining I will make many new life-long friends.…
Joining the military has its benefits; but before we start talking about the main points let's see what the military has to offer you. Through its tough courses it will test you to your limits. It will make you strive to do better. So joining the military is beneficial.…
Even those who serve as a doctor,nurse,or veterinarian most hiring agencies will not be considered qualified for the job and will have to attend college to acquire a degree.. This shows that college is the better choice. College allows you to get into the world and have experiences. Good or bad one will learn from them. These experiences can mold and shape the student into a better person. Those who graduate from college make 17,500 dollars more a year than students who simply obtain a high school diploma. They get jobs in the medical fields, as teachers, or even astronauts. With a college degree new doorways and career paths are open. In college on the other hand all students have the option to change majors and a degree in one study can be applied to many areas for a larger variety of jobs. Nobody wants to be a failure in life college gives you a chance to be successful. Its benefits far outweighs all other choices. High school seniors make the right choice and go to college for a better chance at a life that will be filled with greatness. This greatness awaits at any university or…
afford this or go into debt because of it. Joining the military solves all of these…
As of November 20, 2014, same –sex marriage has been legalized in 35 out of 50 U.S. states. Same-sex marriage is a hot topic which the Supreme Court is considering to legalize. Many people say a homosexual person is a sinner. The question is do homosexual people choose his or her gender? They were born that way and they are happy with their lives. Homosexual people are nothing unlike heterosexual people. They are living, they are working, and they contribute to society. Proponents state that same-sex couples should have access to the same marriage benefits and public acknowledgment enjoyed by heterosexual couples and that prohibiting gay marriage is unconstitutional discrimination. On the other side, opponents argue that altering the traditional definition of marriage as between a man and a woman will further weaken a threatened institution and that legalizing gay marriage is a slippery downhill way that may lead to polygamous and interspecies marriages ( All people in the world should understand the meaning of marriage, whether a same-sex marriage or a traditional marriage. For that reason, same-sex marriage should be considered as a legal marriage because it is an equal right for humankind and beneficial for society as well as preventing youth suicide.…
My professional career goal is to get the schooling through the Army because it is all paid for. Finish my obligation and try to retire from the Army after 20 years of service. I know once I complete my service, I can always work for the federal employee for the Army. Also one may ask the question, but why social work…