To begin, the First Amendment has an interesting history which is not as simple as first assumed to be. It was written because, in the beginning, Americans wanted assurance that they would have rights. The US First Amendment promised speech, petition, press, assembly, and …show more content…
It has been interpreted many different ways through different court cases in the US. One of them has been a very important case concerning school, called “Tinker vs. Des Moines”. This case decided that students have rights, but they may be limited while at school. It has often been questioned whether or not minors have First Amendment rights, especially while at school. Constitutionally, they do have rights, although “they can be limited at school whenever the school decides it's distracting” (“Do minors have first amendment rights?” article”. This was decided in the Tinker vs. Des Moines case. In 1973, it was decided that dress code was legal, even though expression is a right, because dressing in certain ways could be distracting. Similarly, students can be searched and can be disciplined for bad language. The school and police can legally limit First Amendment rights at school because they are taking care of the minor during the