¨All men are created equal,¨ according to the Declaration of Independence. But, based on the government’s actions, this was not the case when it came to Indian Removal. When the government issued the Indian Removal act in 1830, there were two clear sides: one that supported it, and one that despised it. After the Supreme Court ruled against it, the wrongness of it became manifest. However, it still continued. The United States was not justified in enabling the Indian Removal Act.
The President ignored a court order. “By ignoring the Supreme Court, President Jackson brought to the forefront one of the main problems in the Supreme Court’s power structure, the fact that they did not have the military power to enforce their decisions.”(,http://scottsconstitutionalhistoryblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/was-andrew-jackson-right-to-ignore.html) “The Cherokee nation, then, is a distinct community, occupying its own territory, with boundaries accurately described, in which the laws of Georgia can have no force, and which the citizens of Georgia have no right to enter.”(Chief Justice John Marshall) This evidence show’s Chief Justice John Marshall’s decision on Worcester v Georgia, and why President Jackson’s …show more content…
¨It is estimated that of the approximately 16,000 Cherokee who were removed between 1836 and 1839, about 4,000 perished.¨(Ellen Homes Pearson) ¨There was so much sickness among the emigrants,’ she recalled, ‘and a great many little children died of whooping cough.¨ (Rebecca Neugin/Ellen Homes Pearson) ¨Perhaps as many as 100,000 First t were pushed out of their traditional lands, and the death toll from these forced removals reached far into the thousands.¨(Ellen Homes Pearson) This evidence supports the claim that Indian Removal killed many Cherokee because it shows how about ¼ of the Cherokee died and that the amount of death has impacted and traumatized Cherokee since the Trail of