Why should the rights that were fought for by our late independent heroes and civil right activists be extended to non-human animals that could not socially speak for themselves? Since animals do not have the capacity to personally fight for their rights, granting what humans had put in their blood for to enjoy to non-human animals will be a scenario of robbing Peter to pay Paul and hence an injustice to humans. Therefore animal rights movement is simply a misguided attempt to force people to grant animals the same qualities, needs and desires as human beings. While this movement is born out of kindness and sympathy, I think it is completely misguided because non-human animals are in actual sense, equal to human beings and hence do not deserve equal right as enjoyed by human
Why should the rights that were fought for by our late independent heroes and civil right activists be extended to non-human animals that could not socially speak for themselves? Since animals do not have the capacity to personally fight for their rights, granting what humans had put in their blood for to enjoy to non-human animals will be a scenario of robbing Peter to pay Paul and hence an injustice to humans. Therefore animal rights movement is simply a misguided attempt to force people to grant animals the same qualities, needs and desires as human beings. While this movement is born out of kindness and sympathy, I think it is completely misguided because non-human animals are in actual sense, equal to human beings and hence do not deserve equal right as enjoyed by human