In my opinion America is the greatest country on earth. One of the best things about America is our freedom. Our freedom is something to truly be proud of! In many other countries you have to filter what you say, but not in great ole America you are legally able to say whatever you want. In some Asian countries young children and lower class adults have to work in factories for very low pay, just because there is no other options. In America this is not the case, here we could work where ever we desire, with the right education of course. Religion, religion is a big one. In many counties what, or whom you worship is controlled by the government.
Another reason for America being great is the right to bear arms. This one is crucial to me, especially with how the world …show more content…
Without sports I’m not sure if America would be able to survive. Most people don’t think about it, but the right to play sports is a huge privilege. On the other hand being able to watch sports is a huge luxury. Many people seek sports for entertainment, and to pass time. Another way people are involved in sports is in supporting, and or donating. Almost all sports team has some type of funding slash fundraising program. Without this the team would not have the stuff they did.
The right to vote is also a great thing about America. In other countries, certain families run the nation. In a dynasty nation the people do not get the right to vote for who they want to run the country. When a family is the government, most of the times the rules and rights are unfair. The fact that the people still, and always will have a say in what goes on in America is commonly underappreciated, but very special.
So talk when you want to talk, shoot when you want to shoot, and when in doubt go toss the pig skin around. So the next time you think is America still great, just remember all the things you can do her. So in conclusion, yes America is still