This advocates that each person should his or her own well fair as a supreme end of his/her actions.
Thomas Hobbs and exponent of egoism portrayed as rational self interested and calculating. This view is often referred as psychological. Hobbs regarded people as predatory he felt that morality was to avoid conflict. Ethical egoism emphasizes everyone ought to act out of self interest in terms in achieving selfish ends in terms of the survival of the fittest in a society. Future more apparently unselfish or altruistic may still be an interest of the individual and can provide a measure of satisfaction an ego fulfillment. 1. Universal egoism would create anarchy 2. It is problematic in personal relationship 3. Egoism ignores situations where people demonstrate non-egotistical 4. Persuing self interest negative consequences for those involved 5. Modern society is characterized by interdependence 6. Egoism ignores the biblical injunction to love your neighbor …show more content…
He make a distinction between principals and rules: principals guide but rules direct. Situationists claim that many cases are unique and must be considered on their own merit according to this definition there is no such thing as a predefinition as good or bad. The ultimate norm of Christian decision is a agape love. Situationists encourage forgiveness they believe there is no absolute right or wrong and that we have work it out in each situation. Its approach to morality is person centered Fletcher love people but use things. Situationists believe that persons need to be flexible sensitive and sympathetic when dealing with others. Action are good if they help people but are bad if they hurt people. This approach freedom in a changing society however we must remember there are laws we break at our own