In the story, Arguments against Ratification at the Virginia Convention was all about the delegates at the Virginia Convention debating the constitution and the ninth vote for ratification which many pushed for. In the book it says, “...the acceptance of only nine states would not have boded well for strength and unity of the new nation, so the Constitution's supporters set out to make ratification a unanimous mandate for change”. They pushed hard to convince nine states …show more content…
45 they both showed the determination and perseverance. The story Arguments against Ratification at the Virginia Convention shows determination by fighting for ratifications, “...he once again uses his oratory talents as well as his legal skills to try to guide public affairs as he presents impassioned, imaginative, and negative arguments”. The men made many solid arguments and thought it out well in order to get all nine votes. In The Federalist Papers, No 45 perseverance as well as determination is shown by the three men writing eighty-five essays that were eventually made into a book to persuade the people that the ratification was the right choice, “The letters originally appeared in New York newspapers and were then collected into a two-volume book, which Hamilton hoped would influence the delegates at the New York ratification convention...”. In order for three men to write that many essays and for them to be that well written that they get put into their own book shows serious dedication towards the