One of the researchers died because one subject strangled him and tore his throat out. Another had the artery in his leg severed by one of the subject’s teeth. A soldier was ordered to enter and committed suicide. While resisting one of the subjects ruptured his spleen and died. The researchers tried to sedate him but it did not faze him. The other three test subjects were restrained and moved to a medical facility, all they did was beg for the stimulant gas. The most injured subject had ripped his digestive tract out and placed it all around the chamber he was taken to the operating table. In the process of preparing the subject to have his organs placed back within his body he was unfazed by the sedation attempts. He resisted and the tore through all the restraints and finally was put under. Right when his eyes closed he died. In the autopsy it showed that he had more than five times the normal blood oxygen level of a normal
One of the researchers died because one subject strangled him and tore his throat out. Another had the artery in his leg severed by one of the subject’s teeth. A soldier was ordered to enter and committed suicide. While resisting one of the subjects ruptured his spleen and died. The researchers tried to sedate him but it did not faze him. The other three test subjects were restrained and moved to a medical facility, all they did was beg for the stimulant gas. The most injured subject had ripped his digestive tract out and placed it all around the chamber he was taken to the operating table. In the process of preparing the subject to have his organs placed back within his body he was unfazed by the sedation attempts. He resisted and the tore through all the restraints and finally was put under. Right when his eyes closed he died. In the autopsy it showed that he had more than five times the normal blood oxygen level of a normal