"For it is peculiar to human beings, in comparison to the other animals, that they alone have perception of what is good or bad, just or unjust, and the rest." Aristotle also states that a city-state exists by nature because it attains self-sufficiency, and exists for the sake of living well. Aristotle goes on to say that individuals cannot perform their functions apart from the city-state because on their own, they are not self-sufficient. "Anyone who cannot form a community with others, or who does not need to because he is self-sufficient, is no part of a city-state he is either a beast or a god." Aristotle believes that the lawmaker does what is better for a person, and does not hold freedom as a highest
"For it is peculiar to human beings, in comparison to the other animals, that they alone have perception of what is good or bad, just or unjust, and the rest." Aristotle also states that a city-state exists by nature because it attains self-sufficiency, and exists for the sake of living well. Aristotle goes on to say that individuals cannot perform their functions apart from the city-state because on their own, they are not self-sufficient. "Anyone who cannot form a community with others, or who does not need to because he is self-sufficient, is no part of a city-state he is either a beast or a god." Aristotle believes that the lawmaker does what is better for a person, and does not hold freedom as a highest