C. in Athens, Greece, it focuses primarily on personal character and the development of certain virtuous character traits. To act well in various circumstances by doing the right thing is the center focus of a person’s character traits as in their self-control, courage, wisdom, honesty and respect that makes the person what they are over time. This life of a virtuously ethical person emphasizes achieving human excellence by always doing the right thing, the mere meaning of virtue from both the Latin and Greek culture means “excellence”, to be a model citizen and is founded on the assumption that the purpose of life was to achieve happiness and fulfillment. Aristotle though, has the most prolific virtue ethics theory, he held that understanding the meaning of a virtue was necessary but not sufficient to make one virtuous and that there are many specific virtues: intellectual, and moral, whereas moral virtues are those we would need in order to conduct affairs in daily life such as self-control, courage, gentleness and wittiness. Intellectual virtue reflects what is unique and important about human nature, human reasoning and rationality, calmness, wisdom and knowledge to name a few. Virtue ethics is the embodiment of being all you can be by making the most of our talents and…