The effect of the Gant decision on law enforcement SCOTUS decision in Arizona v. Gant (2009) affected the admissibility in federal prosecutions of evidence obtained by local, federal and local law enforcement agencies as the result of the search of an automobile incident to the lawful arrest. The Gant decision was not a winning situation for law enforcement. The Gant decision should have taken into consideration the arrestees and their immediate area of control for weapons, and to allow officers to prevent the destruction of evidence by the suspect. SCOTUS arguably placed a limit on the capability of police officers to search of a vehicle incident to the detention of the operator or an occupant. It curtailed the practices under New York v. Belton (1981) by removing the incentive for perpetual stops. Police officers would not be able to search the passenger section of a vehicle unless they reasonably believed it contains evidence of the offense of the arrest. This ruling could reduce the number of lawful searches.
The effect of the Gant decision on law enforcement SCOTUS decision in Arizona v. Gant (2009) affected the admissibility in federal prosecutions of evidence obtained by local, federal and local law enforcement agencies as the result of the search of an automobile incident to the lawful arrest. The Gant decision was not a winning situation for law enforcement. The Gant decision should have taken into consideration the arrestees and their immediate area of control for weapons, and to allow officers to prevent the destruction of evidence by the suspect. SCOTUS arguably placed a limit on the capability of police officers to search of a vehicle incident to the detention of the operator or an occupant. It curtailed the practices under New York v. Belton (1981) by removing the incentive for perpetual stops. Police officers would not be able to search the passenger section of a vehicle unless they reasonably believed it contains evidence of the offense of the arrest. This ruling could reduce the number of lawful searches.