Military Police
Security of
Army Property
(Sensitive and
Department of the Army
Washington, DC
30 September 1993
AR 190–51
Security of Unclassified Army Property (Sensitive and Nonsensitive)
This revision-- o Consolidates paragraphs 6 through 9, 11, 13, 15 through 17, and 19 of AR 190-18 into chapter 5 and AR 190-50 into chapter 4. o Consolidates all responsibilities, to include controlled substances and museums (chap 1). o Adds requirements for conducting risk analyses during construction planning for assets of units or activities that will occupy new or renovated facilities or facility additions (para 2-2). o Adds some minimum security measures and terrorism counteraction measures asset categories. Security measures now consist of physical protective measures, security procedural measures, and terrorism counteraction measures
(sections II and III, chap 3). o Broadens asset categories and adds security measures for assets not previously in the regulation (for example, mission-critical and high-risk personnel (para 3-19), general civilian and or military personnel (para 3-
20), and industrial and utility equipment (para 3-21)). o Consolidates all storage structure requirements and allows for alternative construction based on delay time for the different construction being equal to or greater than the response time (app B). o Adds intrusion detection system requirements in some situations to increase delay after detection (para B-1). o Consolidates all marking requirements (app C). o Authorizes exact replication of any DA or DD forms prescribed in this regulation generated by the automated Military Police Information Management
System in place of the official printed version of the form (app A, sec III).
Department of the Army
Washington, DC
30 September 1993
Military Police
Security of Unclassified Army Property