Case Summary:
Arnie is a newly employed technician at an up and coming data recovery company, Recoupabyte Confidential, Inc. He is assigned to a new customer, Mr. Bowen, a man who needs his tax documents recovered after hurling his computer out of a window in rage. The new client makes inquiries about the extent of confidentiality the company adheres to. The company’s website advertises comprehensive data recovery from most mishaps with complete confidentiality and their tagline is “Your reputation is safe with us.” Arnie’s boss Fred, who is also the president of the company, ensures Mr. Bowen that unless his files involved plans for future criminal activity, they would be completely safe.
Upon investigating the files, …show more content…
Sisk - In October of 2006, a church member borrowed a computer from the choirmaster, Mr. Tate. Shortly after using the computer, he discovered several pictures of child pornography. The church hired a lawyer and after discussions of the matter, they saw no other wrongdoing by the choirmaster and all decided the best option would be to save everyone’s reputation via destroying the computer and forcing the Mr. Tate to retire. The church was soon informed that there was an investigation opened prior to the recent discoveries, with Mr. Tate as the target. It turns out that the former choirmaster had even more gruesome pornography in his possession and had been sexually exploiting children for years. The lawyer responsible for destroying the computer was later charged for obstructing justice. This source is relevant to the case study because the lawyer in the article who was protecting attorney-client privileges was held responsible, tried, and convicted of destroying the evidence. The question of whether or not the data recovery company should be held to the same standards comes into play.
3. Chen- Large enterprises have been reluctant to move certain files or apps to the cloud network. The market size for cloud is far behind what it was expected to be, and for good reason. Consumers have concerns with cloud computing security, especially when it involves data security and confidentiality issues. This article shows the legitimacy of concerns people are have when dealing with …show more content…
Arnie and the other employers could lose their jobs.
2. What if Fred was right and Mr. Bowen was an author?
3. Arnie has a responsibility to keep every customers data confidential.
These arguments can be defended rather easily. All of the employees, including Arnie have a highly sought after skillset as the case study states and should therefore have no problems finding new employment. As for the second argument, if Mr. Bowen were truly an author he could have easily brought it to the attention of the company. But instead asked about the extent of confidentiality. A person seeking these services should realize that there could be consequences for anything found to be incriminating.
VII. Reflection
During the critical thinking process I learned how to tie in a lot of the ideas and concepts we learned over the course of the semester. I missed a few classes at the beginning of the semester due to a 7-day a week job, but this assignment has helped me tie together the missing pieces. I may have assumed a little too much during this assignment and focused too much on justice. Mr. Bowen brought his computer to be recovered because he threw it out of his window so I naturally assumed he was a violent person. The only actual supporting incriminating evidence was the fact that it was on his computer. After finding my last source, I now realize that Mr. Bowen could have easily picked up the hard drive pre-owned with the data already on it. The pictures and diary may not even be his