A1. In the video the narrator is trying to convince the viewers that arranged marriages are more common in certain traditions than in western culture. The narrator also gives facts and supporting evidence about the success rate and advantages of arranged marriages and how the idea of arranged marriage is not as far fetched as it seems.
A2. The most general problem with arranged marriages is that the individuals who are arranged to be married don’t have the ability to make up their own mind. This can cause resentment towards the parents later down the road if after being married a few years and either spouse ends up unhappy.
When the choice is made by another of who you will marry then there will always be fears of what will the other person be like and will we be compatible. Questions like these are common among arranged marriages and are almost always asked by an individual before marriage.
A3. The general problem can produce many sub problems, socially, morally and politically.
From the political aspect, arranged marriage are highly encouraged for those in high political positions. Because of the position, there can be many scandals and negative publicity that could kill ones political career. Arranged marriages can often cause one to have interference from extended family. While there are advantages to having the extended family around, sometimes it can be a burden. Some arguments and misunderstandings are resolved better when only the couple is involved. When in-laws interfere and put their views to the forefront it can cause tension in the marriage.
While arrange marriages are usually successful, one problem is that love is almost always sure to take the back seat. Most parents tell their children to decide with their head and not with their heart and out of respect the child obeys. In this instance people usually are convinced that you learn to like some one that like turns to respect then that respect to love.