-fresco secco paint to dry surface paint chips quickly plaster artist needs to apply color to it. reaction binds color and plaster together last long time
-buon fresco true fresco Michaelangelo
oil paint has been around since the 15th century oil paint is powdered pigment with oil oil takes longer to dry takes couple of days became choice of medium for rencont fabrics, needlework, and weaving transitions from the 2d art to 3d works, covers a range of art objects
-other woven objects methods and media in 3d art-ranges from
-tradditional to new media freestanding- meant to be seen from all sides relief sculpture- seen only from the front quarter flat site specific-sculpture that is designed for a specific place. becomes part of experience of the artwork. keith kids plating of children's hospital carving- technique for creating 3d work, artists remove unwanted material from a large black of stone or wood or a synthetic product modeling- the pushing and pulling of a malleable substance, such as fclay or wax film and video- photographs shot in sequence, when projected the still images give the illusion of movement
Ch. 4 Deriving Meanings deriving meaning understand messages
-formal anlysis- the study of the elements and principles of art and how they are used in specific works content analysis- historical context- physical surroundings, method of encounter
iconagraphy visual metaphor the image or element that is descriptive of something else symbol- image or element that stands for to represents some other entity or concept symbols are culturally determined and must be taught content analysis content-an artworks theme to message content is conveyed through
-subject matter- the substance of a work of art-symbolic references-an image or element that stands to teptesents another entity to concept iconographic references- a ststerm of