Discuss how art was used as a vehicle for propaganda, and whether such use is present in the works of Höch, Grosz, and Picasso. Use one example from Gardner's Art through the Ages and one from the Internet. Anthropology - General Anthropology Week 1 Complete
Acculturation. The textbook discusses the process of acculturation. After viewing the film, Indian School: Stories of Survival, answer the following questions:
What is the definition of acculturation?
What happened to the Native American children in the film?
Why did the American government decide to acculturate them into Western culture?
How did this affect them long term?
Is acculturating others into another culture ever justified?
Cultural Relativism. Cultural relativism asserts that every culture has its own set of customs and beliefs, and that culture must be understood by the standards and values of the people within that culture. Anthropologists think that things that might seem cruel or irrational in our own culture must be seen through the lens of cultural relativity, and that all cultures have practices or beliefs that can be seen by others as repugnant or incomprehensible.
After reading the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights, explain whether you think that cultural relativism can coexist with the idea of universal human rights. Is it possible for anthropologists to promote human rights without imposing, for example, their own Western values and ideas of human rights?
Week 2 Complete
Race and Identity. Historian Robin Kelley stated, “Race was never just a matter of how you look, it’s about how people assign meaning to how you look.” With that in mind:
After viewing the video clip, Social Implications of Race, what do you think is meant by the term racial smog?
Find needed answers here - https://bitly.com/12ByrCI
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