1. According to Oxfam, little has been written about the wars in Afghanistan T
2.According to Mills, Freedom is the ability to choose between the given alternatives F
3.One measure of powerlessness is the degree to which one’s choices are limited by necessity T
4.Social roles are individually acted and socially determined T
5.Sociological competence does require meeting ethical research F
6.According to Johnson, one characteristic feature of militarism is the clear division of labor between elected officials and military professionals F
6.Mills argues that individuals are usually able to connect patterns of their lives with world history F
7. The organizers wife, Tony Caid Bambara said rural communities develop best when they send their assets to outside investors F
8. Resistance to socio-political power is a relatively recent historical development F
9. According to Johnson, the foreign military bases of two cold war superpowers, the U.S and the Soviet Union became the characteristic institutions of a new form of imperialism T
10. The purpose of the 1996 reform act was to eliminate welfare benefits T
11. Parenti argues obedience to authority is only achieved by coercion or when A is able to get B to do something T
12. According to Feffer we live in a time of unending conflict and nations spend according on arms and weapons T
13.Social Structure refers to the organized pattern of relationship and social institutions T
1. “Man can be turned into a robot by studying coercion and control, but can he be made to become a cheerful robot?”- Mills, Sociological Imagination 2. “The period of the fall of the berlin wall and the first 9/11 attacks, from 89 to 2002 there was a revolution in America’s relation with the rest of the world”-Johnson Empire of Sorrows 3. “The guards had total control of the prison and with the exception of 416, they had control of all of the prisoners.”- Stanford Prison Experiments 4. “Maybe all