When you ponder on something long enough, you start to present to yourself possibilities and/or outcomes that could be the result, if the situation did occur. For example: if the paranoiac is paranoid about people talking about them behind their back or people spreading rumors, one factor they think may result from that situation is everyone that they know turning against them. This type of paranoia is called Paranoid Personality Disorder, as "Paranoia - Better Health Channel." Better Health Channel. N.p., 9 Sept. 2014. Web. 21 Oct. 2014 stated. This shows how the situation can become more realistic when you create a chain of reasons to believe
When you ponder on something long enough, you start to present to yourself possibilities and/or outcomes that could be the result, if the situation did occur. For example: if the paranoiac is paranoid about people talking about them behind their back or people spreading rumors, one factor they think may result from that situation is everyone that they know turning against them. This type of paranoia is called Paranoid Personality Disorder, as "Paranoia - Better Health Channel." Better Health Channel. N.p., 9 Sept. 2014. Web. 21 Oct. 2014 stated. This shows how the situation can become more realistic when you create a chain of reasons to believe