Article Analysis
November 14, 2017
1.What is the research question that is asked by the author(s)? If there are multiple questions asked, please list them all. The authors wish to look at specific consequences victims and non-victims in victimiology courses may experience because of the sensitive-nature of discussions. The authors asked three research questions: 1) Do prior victims experience revictimization when learning about victimization in college course? 2) Do students define past experiences as victimization for the first time in college courses about victimization? And 3) Do patterns of revictimization and identification as a victim vary between IPV victims and sexual violence victims?
2.Please describe the independent …show more content…
The authors find consistencies with research on measurement of crime that leads them to believe that individuals do not define their own experiences as victimization.
4.What is the hypothesis posed by the author(s)? If there are multiple hypotheses, please list them all. The authors believe that course content and the manner in which it is taught has the potential to have a significant impact on the individuals. The authors believe that many students will realize for the first time that they were victimized. Additionally, they believe that these students with relive their victimization. The authors also believe that the material may make particular subgroups uncomfortable.
5.Describe the methodology used by the researchers in terms of:
a) Data collection (how will they collect their data?)
The sample was derived from a self-administered survey to four undergraduate criminal justice courses that included two courses on the crime problem in America, a perspective course on family violence, and a perspectives course on violation, at a large southeastern university in 2011. A total of 216, 90 males and 126 female undergraduate students were …show more content…
Both forms of violence were significantly related to the item ‘As a result of the class, I learned that some of my past experiences which I defined as normal were actually incidents of victimization”. The authors additionally found that victims of both kinds were more likely to realized they experiences victimization because of the course, compared to non-victims, which was consistent with the authors original thoughts. Lastly, sexual victimization was significantly associated with the item gauging if students found the course to be depressing, but non-victims found it more depressing then victims, which is an interesting conclusion.
7.What are the limitations of this research? There are a few limitations of this research. The authors relied on a sample from one university in an urban area, which may not be representative of the population. Additionally, the authors didn’t assess any context surrounding revictimization, therefore distorting the findings. Other factors may exist that affects the severity of victimization. Lastly, the authors didn’t consider whether victimization and revictimization had an effect on the student’s performance in the