For Addressing Health Disparities
Perspective: Challenges To Using A Business Case For Addressing Health Disparities, sheds light on a alternative approach to community healthcare. The authors reflect on two approaches in addressing disparities, business case and social case. They discuss some of the challenges along with the potential benefits in implementing the business case method. The article goes on to mention some key areas that healthcare organizations consider when addressing disparities, such whether or not there is a business case to support their efforts.
One of the health disparities the authors mention is diabetes. They discuss the results of a 2002 study conducted for the American Diabetes Association that found $132 billion has been spent in direct and indirect diabetes care in the United States alone. The study goes on to mention that minorities suffering from diabetes tend to have worse outcomes, thereby generating more cost.
The article addresses some of the common challenges associated with implementing and tracking the business case method. One of the challenges mentioned was the issue of obtaining an accurate return on investment (ROA). There are several facts that make calculating an accurate ROA difficult. First, the potential delay in the return. This return may not be seen for several years after implementation. Secondly, also related to the delay in return, is the fact that the return may not go to the original investors, but rather parties who were not involved in the intervention methods. These, along with several other challenges, can cause hesitation in implementation from investors and healthcare management.
When discussing steps that can be taken to reduce disparities, the authors refer to the Pareto charts and the 80-20 rule. This rule states that 80 percent of the problem arises from 20 percent of patients and in focusing efforts and resources on these patients; we will in