Title: UNV-5: Article Summary
This is a summary of the article titled “Read-only participants: a case for student communication in online classes” argues that the value of communication in online modules and the purpose of the success a scholar experiences when they pass an online module. The main purpose of this article is find explanations, to some interests mentioned beforehand, the researchers conducted an eight week analysis of scholars of an online module. This analysis integrated the following strategy to observe online communication and classroom activity amongst scholar’s cultural diversity, geographical location and maturity both are the most important primary causal dynamics. Furthermore, the substantial data gathered by Nagel et al (2009) in their research describe the potential consequences of success and failures were documented. Therefore, a successful completion of a online module they concluded the following: foremost, modules that had discussion forums allows a scholarly proactive interaction with fellow scholars and the professor. Subsequently, this type of module facilitates and /or enriches the online learning environment of the scholars by generating queries and replies (e.g., in the form of posts, assignments, etc) of high critical thinking skills. Furthermore, the third aspect we must consider when improving communication on our online module forums to enhance the online environment is creating rapport as well as wholesome interaction. Last but not least important of all, is the supportive and wholesome interaction with the instructor that is enhanced within the online environment provided substantial responses to the inquiries formulated by the instructor and fellow scholars with substantive answers. Finally, the lack of communication within the
Bibliography: Nagel, L. L., Blignaut, A. S., & Cronjé, J. C. (2009). Read-only participants: a case for student communication in online classes. Interactive Learning Environments, 17(1), 37-51. doi:10.1080/10494820701501028