Grand Canyon University: UNV-501: Introduction to Graduate Studies in the College of Education
Read-Only Participants: A Case for Student Communication in Online Classes Article Summary
In the article titled "Read-only participants; a case for student communication in online classes" discusses how important community and communication is to an online courses. The authors in the article did researcher to find why students succeeded or failed within online course classes. The research was done over an eight week period on students, where they monitored classroom activity and communication amongst students (Nagel, 2009).
The findings indicated that online courses that had a discussion forum and required students to post and apply learned knowledge lead to improved higher learning thinking and critical thinking skills.
Also the relationship between instructor and students seemed very important as well. It was mentioned that interaction between students and instructor’s created a positive effect on relatively shy individuals. An instructor or teacher that was also involved within the program provided a positive feature for the students, and allowed for students to be more relaxed and at ease. This sense of “security” and “enthusiasm” by the instructor lead to more student involvement on post discussions (Nagel, 2009). In all though it research found that students that focused more on the quality of their post rather than just the quantity of post lead to better discussions and better overall environment of the classroom. This approach of quality over quantity lead to more in depth discussions and high thinking for
responses In addition research found that even though students were involved and enthusiastic within the course, a "Read-only student" may develop as well. The "Read-only student" is an individual who would not energetically participate in the class (Nagel, 2009). This student would give limited comments on posts and would only read through posts and questions without involving himself in the forum. The reasons for this behavior by a student were most commonly due to procrastination, unfamiliarity with the online course technology or just isolation. “The Read-Only student” was found that if not unchecked or at least acknowledge by the instructor could disrupt the formation of the virtual community of students and may compromise learning for the entire class.
If an online course wants community and communication they must have an enthusiastic instructor that cares for the students involved within the course. The instructor must also try and build relationship with their online students to set their minds at ease and allow for easy flow of communication. Students that post more quality post rather focus on the quantity post leads to better discussion and will further increase critical and higher thinking skills. Also the online course should try and eliminate or limit amount of “Read-Only Students” as they seem to have a negative impact on the class and could potentially disrupt the community
Blignaut, Cronje, and Nagel. (2009). from Interactive Learning Environments "Read-Only Participants: A Case for Student Communication in Online Classes.”