Many loans were granted so families could survive “during the Revolution.” Some loans had to be repaid, others were forgiven. When the loans were not forgiven people lost their farms and homes. Some were put in prison until the …show more content…
debt was repaid. If this law stayed, as a nation, we would not have grown or progressed.
No system of national courts, what a mess this would be now with no federal laws. Inflation would be “in a horrible crisis”. “A large monetary debt was owed to Spain and France after the war.” There was no national executive (President) to see laws obeyed.
The debt was growing and “had to be repaid.” More money was requested to finance the debt but was not the answer because more money was less and thus money lost its value. “If, at that time the debt was not repaid some people were not allowed to vote in most states.”
To pass laws, the votes had to be nine states, the votes were hard to get. A number of states would not even send representatives to Congress. An anonymous vote of all the thirteen states was necessary to change the Articles of Confederation. At least one state would always object to an increase in power. The Articles had too many problems to be revised. The states agreed to hold a convention to revise the Articles, they could not revise them. A new constitution had to be written. A few men got together to write them. When these men got together this time they had God in the room with them. God blessed those men with the wisdom to write the Constitution of the United States.
My grandmother says a lot of people don’t like or respect our President. We are a family that is proud of him. We pray for him, his family and government leaders. We thank God for