(As amended by RAs 242 and 516 approved on June 12, 1984 and June 114, 1950 respectively and further amended by PD 116 dtd June 24, 1977 and further amended by PD 1968 dtd January 11, 1985.)
Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines:
Section 1. The following articles shall be known as the Articles of War and shall at all times and in all places govern the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine Constabulary (As amended by RA 242)
Article I. Definitions. The following words when used in this Articles shall be construed in the sense indicated in this article, unless the context shows that a different sense is intended, namely:
a. The word “Officer” shall be construed to refer to a commissioned officer including a commissioned member of the Nurse Corps.
b. The word “Soldier” shall be construed as including a non-commission officer, a private, or any enlisted men;
c. The word “company” shall be understood as including a troop, battery or commissioned vessel;
d. The word “battalion” shall be understood as including a squadron, air or naval. (As amended by R.A. No. 516)
ART. 2. Persons subject to Military Law. – The following persons are subject to these article and shall be understood as included in the term “any person subject to military law” or “persons subject to military law,” whenever used in these articles:
1. All officers, members of the Nurse Corps and soldiers in the active service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, all members of the reserve force, from date of their call to active duty and while on such active duty, all trainees undergoing military instruction; and all other persons awfully called, drafted, or ordered into, or to duty for training in, the said service, from the dates they are