Acquiring Movement Skills
Scheme of work – MCW
|Lesson Title |Learning objectives |Homework |
|Skill and Ability |Know the term ‘skill’; |Identify three gross motor abilities required for badminton. Justify your answers. |
| |Understand different skills and explain how they influence sporting performance. |Identify three perceptual (psychomotor) abilities required for volleyball. Justify your |
| |Be able to explain the interaction between ‘skill’ and ‘ability’. |answers. |
| | |Outline the difference between skill and ability and explain the relationship that exists |
| | |between them. |
|Classification of motor skills |Know why skills are classified using continua. |Skill analysis on main skills from your number 1 sport. At least 10 skills. |
| |Understand the different classifications of skills. |Place on each continuum. |
| |Be able to identify specific sporting examples