Answer the 4 questions below with a minimum of 2 pages each, including real-life examples from the sport world. Students are evaluated on their ability to demonstrate a high level of understanding and knowledge of the topics presented and demonstrate proficiency in writing. Be sure to proof read and spell check.
You have 6:15 hours to complete the entire exam; this includes a 15 minute break.
Format: Include all 4 answers in 1 Microsoft word document with your name in the document title as well as on the top of the first page. Please use Times New Roman size 12 font, double spaced.
1. There are many different leadership styles, and many different leaders. No one style is necessarily better than the other as the style needs to fit the leader. It is important to be aware of the different styles in addition to understanding your own style.
Some of the leadership styles studied in this program are: autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, charismatic, transformational, transactional, symbolic, contingency, and situational.
• Choose four of the styles listed and provide a detailed description of each style including its strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, provide a sports-related example of someone who exhibits each style.
2. There are several sociological theories that are often used to study the sociology of sport: functionalist, conflict, critical, feminist, interactionist, figurational.
• Explain/describe each theory and discuss a sport example for each.
3. Some of the federal laws that managers need to be aware of are: ADA, Title IX, Title VII, HIPAA, and FERPA.
• Pick the three laws which you deem to be the most important for sport managers,