The Situational Leadership Theory, developed by Paul Hersey, is a helpful tool in assessing the type of leadership required to the person or group involved. The theory relies on two key elements; leadership style (behaviour) and the individual or groups maturity level. See below for examples.
Instance 1 - an individual considered to be of maturity level 4, i.e. they are experienced at the task, and willing to take on the responsibility; would only require a delegation leadership style i.e. the leader is still involved with the task, but the process and responsibility has simply been passed on to the individual.
Instance 2 - an individual considered to be of maturity level 1 i.e. they lack the skills for the task and are unable or unwilling to take responsibility; would require a telling leadership style i.e. the leader provides virtually all the information for the said task in a much more hands on role. ac(1.2) These leadership styles or behaviours can have both positive and negative effects on an individual or group behaviour. Maturity levels within individuals can become task specific; an individual with a high maturity level that you would normally delegate to, can quickly lose confidence if set with a task that they are unfamiliar with. They could then become unwilling to take on the responsibility so it is very important to evolve your leadership styles with the