As the US dollar weakens, other currencies necessarily increase. The euro is now trading above $1.48 to the dollar, a record high. And the Japanese yen is stronger than 109 to the dollar, a two-year high.
All currency movements proximately reflect differentials in short-term interest rates. The weakness in the dollar over the last two months was caused by the Federal Reserve's interest-rate cuts in September and October.
Underlying economic fundamentals in each respective currency zone also affect exchange rates, since they have an impact on market interest rates as well as policy interest rates. Speaking very broadly, a lower currency value can reflect concern about the business outlook for a particular country.
This analysis holds reasonably well for the dollar-euro rate. But what's the story with the Japanese yen?
|Scorer Role Description |
Role: To record the scoring of cricket fixtures
Approximate time commitment: Depending on length of game and regularity of fixtures
Useful skills: Basic understanding of the game Basic maths and written skills Focussed Reliable Good communicator
▪ To accurately record statistics on a ball to ball basis ▪ To calculate the overall scores for the teams and individual batsman and bowlers ▪ Communicate effectively with the umpire
Benefits of volunteering: • To learn new and develop existing skills through hands on experience • Personal & professional development and/or training • The ability to explore different sorts of career or job opportunities in a voluntary capacity • A chance to get out, have fun and meet some new people – enjoying the traditional social