The Asch Conformity is an experiment where the researchers watch the participants answer questions and see what their answer is. Researchers are looking to see if the participants are persuaded one way or another when answering a question in a group setting. This study is similar to being in a class with other students. The teacher could go person to person asking a question and after the first person answers, the rest of them will typically say, “I got with he/she got.” More than half the time, they don’t know the answer or they don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb if their answer is wrong. This study is very similar to the actual Asch procedure. This experiment included 24 college students, 13 females and 11 males, during 18 trials of deciding which cards had the same length of the line printed on them.
The results showed that 15 out of the 24 college participants answered similar to their colleagues. That means majority of the group followed the other participants answers because they either did not know one of their own or they were afraid they were the wrong ones. Of those 24 participants, 84.6% of the females answered similarly to their peers compared to the 36.4% of males that answered similarly to their peers. With that being …show more content…
Also, the results actually made sense and I was able to conclude my own findings throughout the experiment. It seems as if females have self-esteem issues than males in this study and others as well. In Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind by John T. Cacioppo and Laura A. Freberg, it states that women have lower self-esteems than men which results in their higher rates of depression. One thing this study could have done to boost their findings, would have been to include the participants races to decide which race conforms more than the