POS 405
( ASEAN & The EU (
Mirror Images of Cooperation?
By: Bryan Noyes
Ever since the Cold War, the leaders and foreign ministers of Southeast Asia knew they had to have a united front against the new-age threats to their existence. The ideal of combined interests in the region for peace and prosperity nearly collided at the same time as the transition of the European Economic Community 1973. ASEAN would experience the same trials and errors as the successful European Union international entity. The success of the EU has become ASEAN’s prominent example in its integration and growing stages of its influence, values, politics and diplomacy throughout the 10 nations collaborative organization. The EU’s shining example has primed ASEAN to become a key player in the ever growing era of globalization and be recognized on the international stage. Due to the EU’s guidance, ASEAN has often been compared in a notion as similar to the EU. However, ASEAN’s components and foundation is staggeringly different and complicates the similarities of the two organization’s relations. After the initiation of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia in 1976, the two entities would collaborate on common terms and provided ASEAN the mechanism to further integrate and expand their interests with other nations around the world. Although it took many years for the treaty to be ratified with other nations, ASEAN would soon be on its course to international recognition and negotiations. The EU’s initial procedures with ASEAN development would constitute towards the establishment of the ASEAN Charter that would legally and officially recognized ASEAN amongst the international community. The combined efforts of development, legal recognition and enforcement of ASEAN’s organization and its charter would be granted in December, 2008. ASEAN and the European Union have reshaped the progress of not only each regions economies, but
Bibliography: ❖ Mantel, B. (2010, June 1). Democracy in southeast asia. CQ Global Researcher, 4, 131-156. Retrieved from http://library.cqpress.com/globalresearcher/ ❖ Camroux, D ❖ Vientiane Action Programme 2004-2010. (2004, November). Retrieved from The European Union website: http://www.hivnetguide.org/hivinfrastructure/downloads/policies/pol-00005.pdf ❖ THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ASEAN, Sorpong Peou