Microbes are single celled organisms and are so small that we cannot see with our naked eyes, microbes can only seen under microscopes .Microbes are the one of the oldest living form on earth, fossils of microbes were found which are said to be 3.5 billion years old . Microbe world: what is a microbe [online].[Accessed 9 April 2013].Available from: world wide web:,microbes are found everywhere in rocks,air,water some of the microbes are even found in the very hot places while some are found absolute freezing places ,these microscopic organisms are found in plants and animals and are even found in human body, mainly microbes includes : bacteria,archaea,fungi and protists. U.S. Department of human and Health Services.2012: what are microbes.[online] ].[Accessed 9 April 2013] .Available from: world wide web:<>, majority of microbes are completely harmless but some of them do cause deadly diseases but it is a that humans cannot live without microbes but they can live even without us, these organisms play an important role in maintaining lie on earth by fixing gases breaking down complex nutrients to simpler nutrients, microbes are also used in the production of medicines, enzymes and food, most recent and scientific use of microbes is to breakdown of sewage and other toxic into safe matter this process is called “Bioremediation”. Microbiology online: introducing microbes.[online] ].[Accessed9April2013].Availablefrom:worldwideweb:
In pathological labs or in Hospitals we use a special technique called as aseptic to minimize the disease or infection outbreak.
Aseptic technique means “without microorganism’s” it refers to the practise of carrying out a procedure in such a way that it minimizes the risk of introducing contamination into a vulnerable area or contaminating an invasive device.St.George’sHealthcare,NHS.2012: Aseptic non touch and clean