17/04/2012: Session 1
Course description
Why Asia? * The most dynamic and fastest growing region in the world * Most distinctive cultures and business …
Course Objectives?
Learning modules
China- India – Japan - Korea (major economic countries)
M1 Asian Business Culture
M2 Economic structure & development in Asia
M3 political system and its impact on business
M4 The business law and taxation system
M5 Financial market and banking system
M6 Corporate governance and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
10-30-60: Attending and continuous assessment – group paper – final exam = 100
Final Exam: It will cover all sessions. We have to read all materials. Not a QCM but question which need to write texts.
FIRST SESSION: Asian Economies: Development and characteristics.
1. Asian: Geographic and Economic Characteristics
Definition: Difference between French & Asian (different perception)
ASIAN ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS/ Indicators and Landscapes: * East Asia has the world largest regional market * Of almost 2 billion populations (plus India’s 1.2 billion) * It is many times bigger than the EU’s 453,3 million and NAFTA’s 420 million population.
* East Asia has been the 1960s the fastest growing region in the world * Over the last two decades the region has an average annual economic growth rates of around 7%, which is much higher that the average 5% growth in the rest of the world.
* EA has historically had a high domestic savings rate of about 20-40% * The EU’s average is about 15%; the US’s is……. ?
* EA holds over hall the world’s foreign exchange reserves * China alone has the world largest foreign exchange reserve, which passed 3.2 trillion in 2011 July.
American depense too much and Chinese save too much, not enough domestic demand: Why?