Teachers and those involved in the writing process concern themselves over the issue that writers abuse adjectives in their writing. For example, in the Course Reader week five materials the lecturer gives the following quote, “Isaac Asimov warns writers against ‘a having thick layer of fatty, adjectival froth’ in their work.” [Before the Golden Age: A Science Fiction Anthology of the 1930s, p.179, Doubleday, 1974.]. Asimov’s warning puts an eloquent exclamation point to the point concerning adjective misuse. Both novices and experienced writers face this quandary, and simply put, meaningless adjectives deaden the prose. The following example helps answer the question of why unnecessary adjectives stifle text.…
Yes, I am in agreement with the experts citing that weakening of the family as one of the main causes for some of the problems that society faces today. In the late 1960s and 1970’s divorce rates rose, and unwed mother’s having babies increased, and the average age of first marriages also increased. Reasons for such changes: Wages of employment for women increased, while the wages of employment dropped for men, the economy became weak, mother’s joined the work force to supplement the families income due to the recessed economy, also women had gained…
In the article “Where Have the Good Men Gone?,” Kay Hymowitz has very good points. I agree with most of the things she has to say. Our generation is very different from every other generation. I feel like not only men but women are lazy too. We were all raised different and raised with very different morals. As stated in the article men used to have their things together by the age of 20. Already married with children and in college on their way to getting a good job, now they want to sit around with their friends drink some beer and play video games. The article says “I had to stop several times while reading and think: Wait, did I date this same guy?” (Hymowitz 491). Not only do I have experiences with this quote, I have many friends that feel the same way.…
Other sociologists such as Parsons argue that the family has to provide the primary socialisation of children, to ensure the safety of society’s culture and the stabilisation of adult personalities. The family performs vital functions of society, and for all the individual members’ in it. “The family reproduces the next generation and thereby ensures the continuation of society over time” The quote explains that if there was no such thing as a family, then there would be no sexual satisfactions, as a result of this there would be no reproducing, and therefore could lead to the dying out of the population, which means humans would become extinct. However potentially disruptive it could be it is still necessary to sustain a bond between couples, also setting moral rules.…
Andrew Carnegie and Bill Gates: both incredibly rich, incredibly generous (or so it appears) men from two differing time periods.Both men were self-made and owed their wealth to much hard work, and both were distinguished figures during their times. Furthermore, both utilized their wealth to perpetuate meaningful social change rather than reforming society altogether. Despite the similarities they share, the two men originated from relatively different backgrounds and did their benefacting through different methods.…
Each year, over 1 million children suffer the divorce of their parents. The number of children whose parents divorced grew by 700 percent from 1900 to 1972 (Davis). This increase, however, must be considered in connection with the increase in population. In the six years from 1900 to 1906 alone, population, as estimated, increased 10.5 % and divorces 30.3%. It appears that at the end of the six-year period that divorces were increasing about three times as fast as the population. However, in 1900, children of divorced parents were an oddity. Today they are the majority. That, in fact, may make divorce easier on the children today than the children of the yesteryears. Now, it is much more likely that they will have friends, mentors, and other family members, and even media that can relate to the situation at home, while most children of divorced families in 1900 only had themselves to see it through. All in all, children today have better means of adaptation to divorce than the children of 1900.…
Ayn Rand, author of the novel Anthem, had the philosophical view of both a Romantic and a Realist. She states, "I am Romantic in the sense that I present men as they ought to be. I am a Realist in the sense that I place them here and now and on this earth." This quote implies that she portrays man in an idealistic sense, but she places her characters in a realistic world. Emigrating from the her home country of Russia into America, Rand was initially exposed to a somewhat technologically backwards society that discouraged the advancement of the individual. After settling in America, Rand found herself in a considerably more satisfying environment where a capitalist society existed in which technological and individual advancement was encouraged. This background led to Ayn Rand's opinion of technology in Anthem; through the comparison of the despair of a technologically backward society and the happiness of an individual who steps forth from the conformity of that society, Rand makes the point that technology is a positive advancement.…
I believe that society does has a huge influence on us but we still have a choice onto how we act and deal with life issues within any of the information we receive. I also believe that Frye is really biased when it comes to the younger generation because he believes that young adult are not logical thinker or isn’t receiving or being taught how to properly…
Attitudes towards the family may also be a threat to the traditional nuclear unit as nowadays it is much more accepted and easier to get a divorce. It was around the 1970s when divorce was first legally introduced into the world. The changes in the modern law, declining in social…
It is very apparent that today’s generation has changed greatly since generation of the “baby boomers”. Children in the current generation are coming into a completely different world than it was just 30 years ago. From almost every kid owning a cell phone, televisions being flat, and social networking, it is obvious this isn’t the same world that our grandparents, and even our parents were raised in. Looking back at the generation of the “baby boomers”, it’s hard to even imagine what life would have been like. The “boomers” grew up in a time of where war was an occurring thing, from World War I, World War II, and even the war in Vietnam. They grew up in the time of the great depression, where bread lines and soup kitchens were a part of many families’ lives. Even technology was far from what it is today. Families were lucky to have one television in their house, people actually used land-line telephones, and a person having a cell phone was unlikely. The book Generation Me does a great job of pointing out any difference between the “boomer” generation, and generation “me”. From the way kids are taught in school, the way kids treat other people, and even the attitude about one’s self has completely changed. The author, Jean M. Twenge, Ph.D., notices every minor change that has occurred between the two generations, and comprised a book that will have you noticing things about yourself that you may have never noticed before.…
It’s inescapable, it’s everywhere, (click) the t.v, (click) magazines, (click) public transport, (click) music, (click) sports, (click) games and (click) most devastatingly it has penetrated the minds of our generation. (click) Behind every great man, there's a great woman. If you agree with this, think to yourself, why are we behind the men? Why does being a great woman have anything to do with having and supporting a male companion? This attitude is very popular, yet it is (click) the subtle lie of the era. My fellow friends, I stand here in front of as a young women, soon to be exposed to the real world. (click) I don’t want gen z, to be victims to the trend of undermining the value of us women and furthermore using us to be candy’s for…
From an early age there have been three classes, which I could not wait to go to. These three classes are also the subjects in which I excel in which are English, History, and Mathematics. The reasons why I excel in these classes are because of my Grandma, utilizing my resources, and self motivation.…
Identify specific changes that tend to be the most striking and have the greatest effect on personality.…
In Generation Me, by Jean Twenge, the attacks on the generations’ ways of life and standards for living are far-fetched, in my opinion. Twenge remarks on how generation me is self-absorbed, politically uninvolved, too direct and to the point, against tradition, and all about personal happiness. These things have little to do with major problems such as global warming or the oil crisis, and are more about Twenge’s own personal pet peeves. Yes, we want to be happy, but who doesn’t? Doing well by ourselves doesn’t mean we have a complete lack of understanding and compassion to others around us. My generation is the one who is going “green”, working to solve global issues, which were not caused by our generation, but we are the ones left to clean up the mess, and trying to protect our environment. We put ourselves out there, striving to live in what we feel makes us happy and fulfills our personal needs. If you are not happy with yourself and your life, then what was the purpose of anything you did while living that life? To be who you are and to know what is truly important to you, gives you a true understanding of what makes you happy. Rather than being cold, cut-off, and self-centered as Twenge states, generation me is caring and open to ideas and change as evidenced by our out reach to global poverty and the want to preserve our world for generations to come.…
Whilst Darwin’s theory suggests that all humans evolve and form as part of natural selection, more and more people believe that humans have reached their peak of development. Personally I believe that humans will adapt from natural selection, but not entirely as I also think that humans will adapt from their surroundings and also our dependency towards the latest technologies. As more and more people are dependant towards technology, this is having a huge impact on what we perceive and require in normal day life in not only a psychological point of view, but also in a physical state as well. This can be seen from what Darwin says and from experience, I can tell that sometimes in dependence from your background, you can tell where your genes came from. In addition, I think that humans in the future will be less intelligent than they are now purely because of yet again, the way we rely on technology for our lives and so technology will be so advanced that they do not require to think as much. This means that their head will become smaller but also their body mass will increase. This is because of our new obsession with fast food and unhealthy foods and how we feel the need to have more sugars and saturated fats, meaning that our body weight is something that we need to work on. However there could be technical tools in the future to help prevent obesity rather than exercise. In addition, I think that due to the way we are conserving the things we have in our planet, we will soon run out of fresh vegetables and fruits and might be dependent on artificial foods and engineered health products, also having a negative impact on the way we look. This could also mean that we are even more reliant on things such as deficiency pills and drugs that are also not as good as normal foods. There will also be more and more people wearing glass due to the obsession and more and more need to look at screens in our daily lives and possibly through it becoming more and more popular…