Availability of Chyuri
During the FGD it has been calculated and verified of 2-5 plants per ropani. The chyuri coverage area has been estimated at 1695 ha (81080 plants) in Dadeldhura district, out of which 33 % area was under non-fruiting plants and 67 percent under fruiting plants. The product of chyuri From community forest is estimated to increase in future, which provides the footing for chyuri based economic enterprises at community level. Chyuri was distributed in four areas namely forest, community and government forest. They share 33,4 and 63 percent respectively. The lower area in community forest may be due to ownership problem of chyuri product under community forest. The highest area is in the government forest which Is situated in comparatively less accessible areas.
The highest area of chyuri is Alital which accounts 27% of the districts. This is followed by 14% Navdurga, 13% gangkhet, 12 % in Shrisha , 11 % in Belapur and 8% in Manilekh.
The annual production of Chyuri fruits is estimated to be 55854 mt in the district. The productivity of a tree depends on many factors like age of the tree, fertility status of the land, slope aspect etc.
The average estimation fro a full bearing chyuri plant is 694 kg of fruits,240 kg of nectar,13 kg of honey and 103 kg of Cake annually.
Quantity of different products of Honey Products | Yield (kg/tree) | Percent | FruitSeedGheeNectarHoneyCake | 69424012728313103 | 47.5316.448.7019.680.897.05 | Total | 1,460 | 100.00 |
The survey showsn that a full bearing tree is sufficient for 3-15 bee colonies( seven on average) during flowering season a strong bee colony