a) The Act of Parliament I have chosen is the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990
This Act was introduced to prevent the effect of other people's smoking on the health of people in the workplace or other public enclosed areas. Society’s beliefs have changed on this subject and the laws have changed to keep pace, “fifty years ago it was polite to ask somebody would you like a smoke? Today it would be deeply impolite not to ask, do you mind if I smoke?” (CDC, Jan 29, 2014)
(i) Ethics involves rules that define right and wrong conduct especially in business.
(ii) Law is a set of rules administered and enforced by the state.
(iii) Morality involves rules that define acceptable behaviour for members for a society.
(i) Civil Law is made up of all the different areas of private law, but excludes laws which define and control criminal behaviour, only concerned with the wrong doing between individuals/parties e.g. the law of contract, Property law.
Criminal Law Deals with crimes against the state i.e. Thief, assault, rape, murder and punishment is by the state, this distinction is made because criminal and civil law have their own characteristics.
(ii) Public law and Private law differs from the above because Public law is overall concerned with the matters that affect the state as a community were as Private law is overall concerned with the matters that affect the rights and duties of individuals/parties between themselves.
(i) Until the arrival of MMP, the Executive branch managed to get all its policies into law while the legislative branch still involves itself in decisions made by the judicial branch. Basically it has forced the Executive branch into negation with the minor parties, before developing policy’s, thus the views of the public in all sections are covered.
(ii) The legislature branch’s main function is to make laws. The Judiciary most important function is to interpret these laws and