Definition of crime varies from one area of study to another and it can be argued that a more comprehensive sociological definition of crime is the one provided for by Julia and Herman Schwendinger (1975) which defines it as any harmful acts, including violations of fundamental prerequisites for well-being such as food, shelter, clothing, medical service, challenging work and recreational experiences, as well as security from predatory individuals or repressive and imperialistic elites.
In a bid to contribute to the understanding of crime and deviance, sociologist have coined a number of theories or perspectives that seek to bring light to this complex and controversial area of study. These theories have been useful in many instance but have also been found wanting in some instances as well.
One sociological framework which has been instrumental in the understanding of crime and deviance is a learning theory known as the theory of differential association. This theory according to Giddens, A. (1991). focuses mainly on the processes by which individuals come to commit deviant and or criminal acts, it therefore explains deviant behavior in terms of an individual’s social relationships. created by Edwin H. Sutherland the theory opines that criminal behavior is learned through interactions with other people. Through this interaction and communication, people