In richer countries like Australia, poverty is conceived in relative rather than absolute terms. Poverty therefore can be defined not in terms of a lack of sufficient resources to meet basic needs, but rather as lacking the resources required to be able to participate in the lifestyle and consumption patterns enjoyed by other Australians; Individuals forced …show more content…
Conflict theory developed largely from the work of Karl Marx suggests that society is in a state of eternal conflict due to competition for limited resources. Conflict theory also states that social order is maintained by domination and power. Society consists of people who struggle against each other in an attempt to satisfy their own needs and wants. Conflict theory argues that social change will occur when individuals and social groups reach a breaking point thus creating social change. Conflict theorists argue that stratification is dysfunctional and harmful and it results in competition between bourgeois and proletarians. The Indigenous community and the Australian/British governments have been in a conflict since the first landing, From Mabo, to the Northern Territory National Emergency Response, the Constance struggle for dominance and power is clear. Class conflict impacts the degree of poverty that exists in Australia for example; the gap in wealth between the two groups is significant. Students attending schools in wealthier areas have access to better quality teachers, newer textbooks and top-notch facilities. On the other hand, students from poorer communities don't receive the same quality education. Expectations are lower and these students are often pushed into trade or vocational professions, which often pay less. Educational inequality between social classes maintains poverty. The poor lack political power – the employed can strike, but the poor cannot. The rich control social change, without the poor there would be no production; therefore, they must remain unequal to ensure production is stable and cost