Bowlby in 1969 proposed the internal working model which suggested that early childhood experiences would determine the adult relationships that child would have in the future. Infants primary attachment style is carried through into adult life so would expect the same expectations in later relationships. Shaver et al suggested three behavioural systems that are acquired in infancy which are attachment which is related to Bowlbys research, care giving where infants learn to care for each other through modelling the behaviour of the primary attachment figure and sexuality systems which is learnt in relation to early attachment so an individual with avoidant attachment will be more likely to hold the view that sex without love is pleasurable. In some extreme cases a child’s internal working model leads them to develop an attachment disorder which means they would resist or reject the mutual intimacy of loving family relationships. Often these disorders occur due to abuse and neglect during infancy which has led to them not developing a close relationship with someone who can comfort and reassure them. Springer et al. in 2007 found that individuals who experience physical abuse have negative effects on adult …show more content…
However the certainty over the stability of the attachment types is unclear as it could be that an individual’s attachment type could be determined by the current relationship which is why happily married couples are secure. The attachment theory does suggest that significant relationship experiences may alter attachment organisation. Kirkpatrick and Hazan in 1994 found that break ups were associated with a shift in attachment type from secure to