
John Bowlby's Attachment Theory Analysis

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John Bowlby's Attachment Theory Analysis
In this essay it is going to go into detail on John Bowlby’s Attachment theory, Erik Erikson’s stages of development, FREUD and ROGERS. Each theory will be explained and how it can demonstrate differences between individuals.

Firstly, this essay is going to discuss John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory, which was developed in 1969(REFERENCE), and how it can identify differences between individuals. According to Gross (2015), an attachment is:

“…an intense emotional relationship that is specific to two people, that endures over time, and in which prolonged separation from the partner is accompanied by stress and sorrow.” MAY CHANGE TO 1 IN POWERPOINT

An infant develops an attachment based on the psychoanalytic concept of “cupboard love”. In other
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The crisis involved in this stage is identity versus role confusion (Schacter, 2011 p477). In other words, this is where they are concerned about what other people think of them. In this stage, the main groups that they are concerned with are their peers and our-groups. These groups are who they try to be like and impress as a way of being accepted (Gross, 2015 p639). Young people tend to socialise with people that they were friends with in primary school of the same gender, then broaden out and become friends with the other sex. Throughout the younger years of this stage, they typically only hang around in big groups of people. However, as they get older they will most likely become closer with another person in or outwith their group that they will go on to have an intimate relationship with (Schacter, 2011 p477). For the duration of the adolescence stage, people tend to spend more time with their peers and less time with their parents. Many of their values and opinions will be influenced by their peers as this is who they are spending all of their time with. It is incredibly important for young people to be accepted by their peers, and if they are not then this can lead to them feeling lonely, isolated and

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