
What Is John Bowlby's Theory Of Attachment

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What Is John Bowlby's Theory Of Attachment
As humans we form attachments with other humans throughout our lifetime. As we go into each stage of life our attachments change. I believe our first attachment as human starts as fetus’s in our mother’s womb. Before we know about life we know our mothers and from that moment our attachment starts. What exactly is an attachment? Attachment is an emotional tie to a specific other person or people that endures across time and space. In 1958 the first attachment theorist by the name of John Bowlby’s came up with the theory that attachments emerges from a system of traits and behaviors that have evolved over time to increase the infant’s chances of survival. He also described attachments as the lasting psychological connectedness between human beings. Through this paper I will attempt to explain the attachment theory as it applies with children from age’s four to six and how their attachment to a parent essentially shapes the life of the child. …show more content…
During babyhood the attachment for the infant is typically with the mother also with the father, but the bond between mother and child is very strong. When a child is an infant they cry for their mother and prefer to comforted by the mother. As a child moves out of babyhood and into childhood they still have an attachment to the mother and father however they learn how to become more independent and also form attachments with other people. If the child experienced a healthy attachment with his/her mother or father during infancy once the child begins to become independent and form attachments with other people, the attachments they form are healthy attachments. Between the ages four and six children began to go to school and form attachments with other children and other caregivers such as teachers. When forming attachments with other children sometimes this bond last a lifetime and sometimes the bond is only for that

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