Foundations of Human Development Worksheet
Write the key features, listed below, into the correct life stage of development and most significantly affected age range. In your own words, provide an explanation of the term and how it affects the developmental stage. An example is provided for reference. For the purposes of this assignment, field marked “N/A” do not need to be completed.
Psychological or Cognitive
Conception and
In vitro fertilization is helpful for women who may have trouble getting pregnant. With the process they remove an egg from the woman’s body and fertilize it with the man’s sperm, and then implant in the woman’s body.
A Zygote is when the genetic material in the egg and sperm combine to form a single cell.
Refined motor skills are starting to develop such as finger grasping and eye movement and contact.
Mobility- by one year babies can crawl. And start to pull themselves up, open draws, ect.
Attachment “is a strong affectional tie that binds a person to an intimate companion” (Sigelman & Rider, 2009 p. 406). Attachment occurs in five stages which range from the first three months in life to eighteen months
Temperament is each individual’s distinguishing mental and emotional nature that results in a characteristic pattern of responses to people and situations.
Sensorimotor Period -lasts from birth to approximately age two and is centered on the baby trying to make sense of the world.
Refined motor skills are getting stronger. Better hand eye coordination. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a psychiatric diagnosis, is a syndrome of learning and behavioral problems beginning in childhood that is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention, excessive physical movement, and impulsivity that appears in at least two settings (including home, school, work, or social