Plan market research
Course handout and assessment
Student name/number
Caroline Camargo Prates
Unit: BSBMKG506B
Plan market research assessment 1,2,3
Student’s name (print please)
Due date Assessment hand in
Student Signature
Date 1st resit
Trainers Signature
Date 2nd resit
Trainers Signature
Overall Competency Achieved
Date Achieved
Trainers Signature
I ____________________ declare that the assessment completed by me is my own work and research unless otherwise acknowledged
Plan market research BSBMKG506B
Assessments 1 & 2
Instructions for the student:
1. All assessment tasks are to be word processed.
2. Verbal questions will be completed individually if necessary
3. Complete and submit this assessment (as requested) via email and give your trainer a hard copy
4. You are required to complete all parts of the assessment and to answer every question to gain competency in each unit.
5. All your answers must be in your own words and direct copying will result as a non competent assessment result. Please source your work where appropriate within the text.
6. Please at the end of your assessment attach a reference page of work that has been sourced.
7. Please number your answers to the questions clearly in your unit paper.
8. Please do not remove the questions, place your answers underneath each question or where instructed as appropriate.
9. Additional assessment work such as powerpoints or excel should be submitted as attachments with this assessment.
10. All submitted work is required to have size 12 fonts and size 14 for headings and 1.5 line spacing.
BSBMKG506B Assessment Task 1
Case study – D.A. Garden Supplies Part 1
Performance objective
The student must demonstrate the ability, knowledge and skills required in identifying market research needs and drafting research objectives for a proposed
References: 1. KOTLER, P; ARMSTRONG, G. Introdução ao Marketing. 4. ed. Rio de Janeiro: LTC, 2000. 371 p. 2. SAMARA, B. S.; MORSCH, M.A.. Comportamento do Consumidor: Conceitos e casos. São Paulo: Prentice Hall, 2005. 267 p. 3. 4. 5. Book from the class.