LABU 2051Fall 2012
Assessment Criteria for ACCT Position Paper
|Task Completion |Organization |Language Use |
|Choice of Focus, Analysis and Coverage |Overall |Have you used: |
|Have you: |Is the paper organized clearly such that it is easy |- grammar points emphasized in |
|- chosen a specific focus and set a scope |to read and understand? |the case: |
|which is clear and manageable within | |reporting verbs, passive/active |
|the word limit, and |Is the paper sequenced logically such that the line |voice, |
|- covered most major aspects of the |of reasoning is easy to follow? |transitions precisely; |
|topic adequately despite the word | | |
|limit, taking care to ensure a good |Is the paper highly coherent and cohesive? |- language which is free from |
|balance among the key points? | |grammatical errors; and |
| | | |
|Relevance and Interpretation of Materials |Thesis statement |- some vocabulary emphasized in |
|Have you: